(405) 601-2691 | 11 Burton Pl., Edmond, OK 73013

Hope Sustained

Give monthly through Hope Sustained to bring help, hope and healing to children impacted by addiction in their families. Monthly giving drives resilience for children and PFO! Give Oklahoma children the gift of resilience!
At Peaceful Family Oklahoma, we envision a world where no Oklahoma child impacted by family addiction goes without support. With 1-in-4 children growing up in a home with addiction, they are 8-times more likely to develop an addiction themselves without help.
The need is big.
Our resolve is bigger.
And, even a small recurring monthly donation can help children grow roots of resilience!
Our dedicated monthly donors provide vital continuous support so that we can focus on Oklahoma's kids.

Change the Ending

Because Oklahoma's children deserve support when families struggle with addiction.
Together, we can change the ending for children growing up with family addiction.


Follow, like, share, and engage with Peaceful Family Oklahoma on social media to share our mission of bringing help, hope and healing to children impacted by addiction in their families. 


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Join Peaceful Family Oklahoma for the 2024 Golf Classic & Gala.