(405) 601-2691 | 11 Burton Pl., Edmond, OK 73013

Educator Resources

Your time is valuable and you do so much. Below you can find curated resources to support your efforts to connect the children you work with to help, hope, and healing.

Currently Reading

Peaceful Family Oklahoma Staff are currently reading and discussing the following book and would love to know your thoughts if you have read it, too! Email taylor@peacefulfamilyok.org if you want to share your experience with this book.

Leading Research

The following research is guiding our best practices at Peaceful Family Oklahoma as we work with children who have a family member with a substance use disorder:
Published May 2020 | by Erin Ratliff, Amanda Sheffield Moris, Jennifer Hays-Grudo
We know that children often face adversity. But there is hope! Protective and compensatory experienceare able to improve a child's ability to cope and increase resilience. Click here to learn more about this research from Oklahoma State University.
by Dr. Karyn Pruvis & Dr. David Cross
"Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed, whole-child approach to meeting the needs of children and youth who have experienced early adversity, toxic stress, and/or relational trauma." Click here to learn more about this research from Texas Christian University.

Peaceful Family Oklahoma

Peaceful Family Oklahoma offers day-camp style programs at our Edmond office and is able to implement these programs in communities within Oklahoma. Our three-day children's program and two-day teen programs are:
  • Free
  • Peer-to-peer
  • Evidence-based
  • Trauma-informed
  • Age-appropriate
  • Hope-centered

School Programs Information

Nearly one-in-four children in the United States experience substance use disorders in their family. The combination of genetics and the traumatic experience of growing up with the disease of addiction in the home makes means these kids are eight- times more likely to develop an addiction themselves. Through the PFO Programs for Schools, we can bring help, hope, and healing to the students of Oklahoma without losing valuable learning time, as our program aligns entirely with Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health.

Addictive Substance Guide

Stay up-to-date on the science, research, and availability of addictive substances. Peaceful Family Oklahoma is a partner of Partnership to End Addiction, whose mission is to transform how our nation addresses addiction by empowering families, advancing effective care, shaping public policy and changing culture.