School Programs
Grades PK-12 in Oklahoma
Nearly 1 in 4 children have a family member with a drug or alcohol addiction, also called a substance use disorder. Without help, impacted children are 8 times more likely to struggle with addiction themselves.
Through PFO's School Programs, all participating students will learn the skills needed to build a healthy future and prevent addiction.
Through PFO's School Programs, all participating students will learn the skills needed to build a healthy future and prevent addiction.
Students completing The PFO Children’s Program for Schools will
- experience grade-level learning outcomes for over 70% of the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health.
- learn to identify safe people from whom to seek help.
- learn that their job is to be a kid.
- feel less alone.
Our school programs are implemented by highly-qualified Peaceful Family Oklahoma staff and are differentiated for students in grades PK-12.
Past School Program Partners
Darlington Public Schools
Darlington Public Schools
"They seemed a little more compassionate toward each other and took a little more responsibility for their actions. The subject areas were excellent. The students needed to hear that their job was to be kids."
4th Grade Teacher, Darlington Public Schools
4th Grade Teacher, Darlington Public Schools
"Students are using language to express feelings and support for others that wasn't common before. Several parents commented on how much their child enjoyed the program. It is a program that can really be a game changer for a topic that is often avoided due to concerns of parents feeling offended. The language used was all positive."
Principal, Darlington Public Schools
Principal, Darlington Public Schools
Jones Public Schools
Jones Elementary School
Jones Middle School
Jones Middle School
"Don't hesitate to bring Peaceful Family Oklahoma in. Especially seeing what I see in a day, more than ever we need to help these kids accept that they're feeling something and know what to do with [those feelings]. Sometimes they need to hear it from another adult. Having someone come in that they could make a relationship with… there was enough time in six weeks to build a relationship with PFO staff and feel safe with what we were talking about."
Jones Elementary Counselor
Jones Elementary Counselor
Norman Public Schools
Alcott Middle School
Irving Middle School
Jackson Elementary School
Kennedy Elementary School
Madison Elementary School
"For some I have noticed more openness about home life. For others a more subtle acknowledgement or aha moment of "this pertains to me." It's just a simple look but it's acknowledgement of realizing that they're not alone. The staff was amazing. I like how the spoke with the kids not at them."
Teacher, Irving Middle School
Teacher, Irving Middle School
Positive Tomorrows
Positive Tomorrows
Putnam City Public Schools
Wiley Post Elementary School
"Students were likely more receptive to the content we taught since they were working with an outside group; they felt as though they were given permission. [Our school] is currently seeing 14-15 year old behaviors exhibited in 5th grade students, so Peaceful Family’s content was appropriate. Teachers felt it was appropriate--they appreciated the vocabulary. This content aligned with the work our district LPCs are doing. This was a beneficial program for our students. PFO was able to go more in depth than staff because our staff doesn’t have the time/resources/training to present on what PFO presented on. Kids have different needs now. This program met those needs."
Wiley Post Elementary Principal
Wiley Post Elementary Principal
Santa Fe South Charter
Santa Fe South Middle School
"Very thankful programs like this exist, and that humans as kind as y’all are the powers behind it. Thank you."
Santa Fe South Middle School Teacher
Santa Fe South Middle School Teacher
"This program worked well for my students. It worked well for my building. With the engagement that I experienced, I would definitely encourage someone to try PFO's program."
Santa Fe South Middle School Counselor
Santa Fe South Middle School Counselor
Wellston Public Schools
Wellston Elementary School
Wellston Middle School
Wellston High School
Wellston Middle School
Wellston High School
"Before partnering with Wellston Elementary, the team willingly answered questions and shared resources, including the curriculum. The Peaceful Family team engaged students in critical thinking and problem-solving throughout each lesson. Students learned skills for dealing with daily obstacles and conflicts. They used high-quality strategies for managing and instructing students. The lessons were well-planned, and the materials were provided for each student. The team exemplified a model for teaching and learning so much that I encouraged teachers to visit the classroom and learn additional teaching strategies. I would recommend Peaceful Family to educational institutions to support whole-student development."
Susan Wray, Principal, Wellston Elementary
Susan Wray, Principal, Wellston Elementary