(405) 601-2691 | 11 Burton Pl., Edmond, OK 73013

News on 6 | PFO Feature

Peaceful Family Oklahoma is dedicated to supporting the 250,000 children affected by a loved one's addiction in Oklahoma. Lisa Reed, President and Executive Director, emphasizes the importance of breaking the cycle of addiction and providing a safe environment for children. Without intervention, children impacted by addiction are eight times more likely to develop substance use disorders themselves.

Peaceful Family offers evidence-based interventions in a day camp format, where children can engage with peers facing similar challenges. Reed stresses the significance of hope in building resilience and empowering children to navigate their own stories. Services are provided free of charge, thanks to the organization's supporters.

By addressing the stigma surrounding addiction, Peaceful Family aims to foster healing and growth within families. Reed emphasizes that addiction is a disease, and with support, everyone can heal. To see the full segment, visit the News on 6 website and be sure to share on Facebook!

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